The Economic Council, Baden-Württemberg, had invited to the New Year’s Reception 2023 in Stuttgart, and almost 300 entrepreneurs had followed this invitation. This year, the host was DEKRA e. V. at its main location in Vaihingen. The welcoming address to the event was therefore given by Stefan Kölbl, President of the Presidential Council of DEKRA e. V.. With DEKRA SE, DEKRA e. V. is the world’s largest non-listed inspection company with over 47,000 employees.

The main speech of the evening was given by Dr Danyal Bayaz (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Minister of Finance of the State of Baden-Württemberg. In his impressive speech, he gave insights into his political experiences and the goals and measures in order to further strengthen Baden-Württemberg economically in international comparison.

Following this speech, there was opportunity for a manifold of personal exchange with the participating entrepreneurs as well as for establishing new contacts. Special thanks go of course to the host, who also took care of the hospitality.